Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Google Search Algorithms Panda,Penguin,Hummingbird Explanation Urdu/Hindi

Google is considered as one of the major search engines in the world,and it has always tried to to improve its search engine as much as they can.For improving their search engine they have done much hard work and they have tried their best to make search more faster and easier.But some naughty web developers started using black hat techniques to get good rank on Google.The use of black hat techniques for ranking started growing rapidly,so Google planned to design algorithms who caught black hat search engine optimized websites and kicked them out of Google.This was a hard punishment for Bloggers.Google has designed 3 algorithms yet known as Google Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird which we will discuss today and I will also explain you about them in video tutorials.So now let us start and discuss the major points of Google Algorithms.

Short Description About These Algorithms:

There are three basic algorithms Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird.The most strict algorithm is Google Panda which infected 80% of websites on the internet while Google Penguin infected about 20% of websites on the internet.And the last one is Google Hummingbird which was designed to make search faster and easier to use.Hummingbird added many features in search and Latent Semantic Search also known as LSI is a part of it and Google has planned to complete this algorithm by 2015 and then apply it for next 10 years because this algorithm is very useful.Now I will explain each algorithm in detail:

1-Google Panda:

Google Panda was released in February 2011 and was the toughest update ever.It detected many websites which were using black hat techniques or were involved in any illegal activities.It damaged 80% websites/blogs on the internet.Some blogs traffic got down and some were penalized by Google due to fooling Google.It infected websites involved in the following activities:
  • Low Quality Content: The content which is not useful at all,just like presenting garbage to visitors.For example: blogs having only pictures and videos.No written content in them or few content.
  • Duplicate/Copied Content: The content which was copied from other websites means already published.
  • Blog using black hat spamming techniques,cloaking,keywords excess.
You must keep these points in your mind to understand this algorithm and to prevent from losing search traffic.You can learn more about this algorithm in below video tutorials.You should avoid using black techniques to prevent your blog from it.

2-Google Penguin:

Google penguin was another Google search algorithm released in April 2012.Many of its versions released by the passage of time and it also caught many websites but it made less damage as compared to Google Panda update.If you want to be on the safe side then please avoid the practices listed below.These algorithms are not directly linked to basic Google search system like indexing,crawling.They are just designed to catch spam websites within the already indexed pages.This update affects websites involved in following activities:
  • Unnatural and Paid Links (Spammy): Unnatural links are the links made using Softwares.The links which are not made manually are unnatural links,while paid links are bought from websites.Nowadays people sell high Pr links at different rates.
  • Keyword Stuffing: Now comes the main and important thing.You should avoid keyword stuffing or you will be punished badly by Google.Many newbies do this mistake and including me I also did this mistake when I was a newbie.Now let me tell you what is keyword stuffing and which title is correct and which one is wrong.For example my post title is : Top Seo Tips In 2014 which is a correct title but some newbies write title as follows Seo tutorials, top seo tips ,best seo tips, Seo courses which is wrong.So you should avoid using this title.
  • Excessive Keyword Density: Keyword density is the percentage of number of keywords used in an article for example your article's title is Top 5 Domain Name Registrars now in this article you should not use the above keyword more than 3% otherwise you will be caught anytime by this update.
  • Over Optimization: Many people do hurry and do over optimization of their websites.For example: they make tons of Backlinks using softwares which are known as un-natural backlinks.

3-Google Hummingbird:

Google Hummingbird is replacement of all old search algorithms and it has given searhc a new and unique look.It has added some latest features to make search easier and faster.It has made many changes in search,It is not designed to detect any website.It has just added more features which you can see by opening Google Knowledge Graph.It was announced in December 2013.It is active and has changed the search by making some awesome changes in it.Now let me tell you what is the difference between old search and new search:
  • It has improved conversational search.It has added some new features which I have discussed in the video tutorials below.
  • It will work more faster as compared to other Google Algorithms.
  • Google Knowledge Graph will work together with it.
  • It will understand the meaning of search query,instead keywords itself.
  • It will join Latent Semantic Search and they both will work jointly.
  • It will be closer to Social Media + Forums and relevant searches.
So this was written explanation for search algorithms and now please watch the video tutorials below to get more information about them and understand them:

Part 1-Google Panda & Penguin:

Part 2- Google Humminbird:

Last Words: 

I tried my best to explain you each and every point about Google search algorithms and I am sure that you would have gained a lot of knowledge from it.If you are having any problem regarding anything then please fell free to comment and ask us! We will try our best to help you.Please share this video tutorial to support us! We are eagerly waiting for your response about today's topic!

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