Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Google Search Algorithms Panda,Penguin,Hummingbird Explanation Urdu/Hindi

Google is considered as one of the major search engines in the world,and it has always tried to to improve its search engine as much as they can.For improving their search engine they have done much hard work and they have tried their best to make search more faster and easier.But some naughty web developers started using black hat techniques to get good rank on Google.The use of black hat techniques for ranking started growing rapidly,so Google planned to design algorithms who caught black hat search engine optimized websites and kicked them out of Google.This was a hard punishment for Bloggers.Google has designed 3 algorithms yet known as Google Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird which we will discuss today and I will also explain you about them in video tutorials.So now let us start and discuss the major points of Google Algorithms.

Short Description About These Algorithms:

There are three basic algorithms Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird.The most strict algorithm is Google Panda which infected 80% of websites on the internet while Google Penguin infected about 20% of websites on the internet.And the last one is Google Hummingbird which was designed to make search faster and easier to use.Hummingbird added many features in search and Latent Semantic Search also known as LSI is a part of it and Google has planned to complete this algorithm by 2015 and then apply it for next 10 years because this algorithm is very useful.Now I will explain each algorithm in detail:

1-Google Panda:

Google Panda was released in February 2011 and was the toughest update ever.It detected many websites which were using black hat techniques or were involved in any illegal activities.It damaged 80% websites/blogs on the internet.Some blogs traffic got down and some were penalized by Google due to fooling Google.It infected websites involved in the following activities:
  • Low Quality Content: The content which is not useful at all,just like presenting garbage to visitors.For example: blogs having only pictures and videos.No written content in them or few content.
  • Duplicate/Copied Content: The content which was copied from other websites means already published.
  • Blog using black hat spamming techniques,cloaking,keywords excess.
You must keep these points in your mind to understand this algorithm and to prevent from losing search traffic.You can learn more about this algorithm in below video tutorials.You should avoid using black techniques to prevent your blog from it.

2-Google Penguin:

Google penguin was another Google search algorithm released in April 2012.Many of its versions released by the passage of time and it also caught many websites but it made less damage as compared to Google Panda update.If you want to be on the safe side then please avoid the practices listed below.These algorithms are not directly linked to basic Google search system like indexing,crawling.They are just designed to catch spam websites within the already indexed pages.This update affects websites involved in following activities:
  • Unnatural and Paid Links (Spammy): Unnatural links are the links made using Softwares.The links which are not made manually are unnatural links,while paid links are bought from websites.Nowadays people sell high Pr links at different rates.
  • Keyword Stuffing: Now comes the main and important thing.You should avoid keyword stuffing or you will be punished badly by Google.Many newbies do this mistake and including me I also did this mistake when I was a newbie.Now let me tell you what is keyword stuffing and which title is correct and which one is wrong.For example my post title is : Top Seo Tips In 2014 which is a correct title but some newbies write title as follows Seo tutorials, top seo tips ,best seo tips, Seo courses which is wrong.So you should avoid using this title.
  • Excessive Keyword Density: Keyword density is the percentage of number of keywords used in an article for example your article's title is Top 5 Domain Name Registrars now in this article you should not use the above keyword more than 3% otherwise you will be caught anytime by this update.
  • Over Optimization: Many people do hurry and do over optimization of their websites.For example: they make tons of Backlinks using softwares which are known as un-natural backlinks.

3-Google Hummingbird:

Google Hummingbird is replacement of all old search algorithms and it has given searhc a new and unique look.It has added some latest features to make search easier and faster.It has made many changes in search,It is not designed to detect any website.It has just added more features which you can see by opening Google Knowledge Graph.It was announced in December 2013.It is active and has changed the search by making some awesome changes in it.Now let me tell you what is the difference between old search and new search:
  • It has improved conversational search.It has added some new features which I have discussed in the video tutorials below.
  • It will work more faster as compared to other Google Algorithms.
  • Google Knowledge Graph will work together with it.
  • It will understand the meaning of search query,instead keywords itself.
  • It will join Latent Semantic Search and they both will work jointly.
  • It will be closer to Social Media + Forums and relevant searches.
So this was written explanation for search algorithms and now please watch the video tutorials below to get more information about them and understand them:

Part 1-Google Panda & Penguin:

Part 2- Google Humminbird:

Last Words: 

I tried my best to explain you each and every point about Google search algorithms and I am sure that you would have gained a lot of knowledge from it.If you are having any problem regarding anything then please fell free to comment and ask us! We will try our best to help you.Please share this video tutorial to support us! We are eagerly waiting for your response about today's topic!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Top 5 Cheap & Reliable Web Hosting Companies In Pakistan

web hosting,free hosting,wordpress hosting,top hosting,cheapest hosting,reliable hsting,list of hosting,joomla hosting
Web hosting is basically a service which store your websites files in a high powered
computer which is connected with a very fast and advanced network system. When someone types the web address he/she is redirected to desired website which is being hosted by a web hosting company.Choosing a best web hosting company is very important thing is seo.If you want to build a quality website then you should choose top hosting company because if your website gets down for sometime it has a bad effect on search engine rankings.Your site should not be down at all even for a minute.Bloggers of Pakistan always looking for the best hosting sites and it is very difficult to hunt the best web hosting company for online business. The main reason for this issue is not availability of PayPal in Pakistan. For this reason bloggers of Pakistan are unable to purchase the International brands.Web hosting companies in Pakistan sell the international brands in Pakistan.Due to the issue of unavailability of fast internet connection it is impossible to keep maintain the servers.

Following are some of the best web hosting companies in Pakistan.

1- Global Hosting Service:

It was launched on 21 december 2011 and is owned by Muhammad Saad Arslan Sadiq. Company claims that it has sub offices in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore and Ireland.Like other hosting companies it also has good plan and 24/7 customer support service.Global Hosting Service has main audience in Pakistan and India.It is quickly attracting the attention of bloggers due to recommendation by popular Probloggers.Its users say they have not faced any problem regarding hosting & support.This hosting has good reputation on social media sites also. You can view their detailed plans & pricing on their website.

2-Ask For Host:

Askforhost is owned by Ehtsham jutt.It was launced in 2011.Askforhost has lot of clients in Pakistan as well as in abroad countries.Askforhost has own server in USA, UK and few days back askforhost launched its server in Singapore.Askforhost has very quick support.It has average 15-30 mints ticket response time.You can view their detailed plans & pricing on their website.


Hosterpk gets third number in our top 5 web hosting in pakistan list.It is owned by Jamsheed and its main office is located in Bakhar.Hosterpk server is located in Germany.It offers cheapest hosting for Pakistani bloggers.Hosterpk also has good support.


This company is working since 2004 with international servers. This company is providing web hosting service and registration of domains with best quality servers and at affordable prices. The professionals of this company are always there to help you out related to web hosting any time.This is the most oldest web hosting company in pakistan.


Although shedihosting is a new web hosting , but it has tremendous service. Shedihosting has server in USA. The beauty of Shedihosting is it offers free web hosting for Pakistani students. You just need to buy a domain name and you will get free student hosting plan with each order.Shedihosting is owned by a student named Shahid Ashraf. Shedihosting has very great support service and uptime.It is Islamabad based web hosting.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How To Check If Your Published Content Is Marked Copyright Or Original ?

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Hey! Folks today I will tell you how you can check if your content is copyright or not? The main purpose of this tutorial is to tell people who mix content from other sites and think they have fooled Google. Many bloggers do mistakes and they mix content of all websites into one article to fool Google which is wrong.So I advise you all to write unique and quality content because content is king.Now lets start the discussion how we can check if our content copies are on the internet.Few bloggers know about this only other newbies dont care and they spin articles on regular bases and think that they have fooled Google.But they dont know about Panda algorithm which is only built to catch content cheaters over the internet.Now let me come to the point how to check if content on your blog is copied from other sites or it is original.You can also check if content writers are fooling you by giving you copied content.
Read Also:
How To Deal With Online Content Cheaters?

How To Check If Your Content Is Duplicate?

There are two methods for checking if your content is duplicate or not.First one is to check if your article is unique or it is mixed and some of its lines are copied from the internet.It is a great tool and I love it.And the second method is to scanning process which scans all your website data and then tells if you have copied some of your articles or not.Now let me list these methods:

Method 1: Using Plagiarism Checker Seo Tool:

plagiarism check,seo small tool,duplicate content checker tool,article generator
This method is commonly used nowadays.Using this tool you can also check if the article you bought from content writers is unique or they have copied it.In this you just have to paste your written article on a Plagiarism Checker tool by Small Seo Tools.To Open This Tool Click Here After you have opened this tool which is free of cost,paste your written article in the box like I have pasted.See the screenshot up.After pasting your written article fill up the Captcha below tool and then click on ''Check for Plagiarism'' After clicking it will start scanning your article for the copies of it on the internet and after it is completed it will calculate unique content percentage and then show it to you.If you have copied some of sentences from internet then your article will give low percentage and it will also tell you which written sentence is copied  from other websites as shown below: 
Now you can see in the up image my this written article is 100% unique so it has given me good results.If my any sentence would have copied it would have shown me the sentence.Now by using this tool you can check if your article is unique or not and the main and important thing is to protect yourself from Google Panda algorithm.If you have cheated someone's content you will be caught by it and will loose all ranks.You can also catch some bad content writers who copy content from other websites any d then sell it to you.If their provided article does not have a good percentage kick them out and do not give them a single penny.

Method 2: Using Copyscape Website Scanner Tool:

Plagium, Duplichecker, Plagiarisma, Plagiarism Checker, Copygator, Copyscape
I have come up with a website known as which is only developed to detect duplicate content and check if your articles are original.You can also compare two websites whether their content is copyright or not.You just have to enter the Url of your website to check if your content matches with another website or not.Just type your blog's url and hit enter.It will come up with some results if your content matches with another site or not.Copyscape is a trial tool.You can use it only 5-10 times in a month after that you will have to buy it.But let me give you one tip.When your trial is finished change your proxy to enjoy it again.You can also defend your site with a plagiarism banner but I dont suggest you to put their banner because it is just for their website promotion.It is not beneficial.It will just increase your blog load time..!

Some Alternatives For Copyscape:

If you have some problems with copyscape then dont worry because these are some more tools to check copies of your page on the web.You can try these as well.They all have the same function.
  • Plagium
  • Duplichecker
  • Plagiarisma
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Copygator

Final Words:

I tried my best to explain you all the procedure for checking duplicate content of your site and now is your turn.Please give us feedback of this tutorial and share this tutorial to support us we are eagerly waiting for your response.Thanks & Happy Blogging!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Top 5 Cheapest Domain Name Registrars

free domain,register domain,top domain,best domain,domain registrar,domain logo,domain prices,doma hosting,domain pakistan
Finding cheapest and reliable domain name registration websites on internet is really a headache for newbies.If you are newbie in blogging the first thing you will hunt is a top level domain (TLD) Most of beginners search on internet about ''affordable domain name registration companies'' and every time they catch a new site.Some are selling domains for $9 and some are selling only for $4.Many people ask me what is difference between a $4 domain and a $9 domain ? So my answer is $9 domain is with Whois Protection while a $4 domain is without Whois Protection.Now you guys will ask what is Whois Protection? So let me answer this question too: Whois Protection helps to shield domain name registrant information from public viewing to avoid unethical spammer.It helps to protect your information from hackers and spammers.Now let me come to our today's topic '' Top 5 Cheapest Domain Name Registrars '' I recently made a pole on cheapest domain name registration sites in some Facebook groups where all expertise voted and I thank them all for their votes.So now let me list five 5 best domain name registration companies from where you should register your domain from.

Top 5 Affordable & Reliable Domain Name Registrars:

1-Name Cheap:

name cheap,namecheap logo,namecheap white,register domain,namecheap blogger
Namecheap is one of the top 5 domain name registrars As their name implies, they're some of the most affordable in the business, but domain names are the only thing cheap about them.They offer stellar customer support free service like domain name forwarding and if you are having financial problems you can enjoy some advanced services like DNS and SSL certificates at bargain prices.You can get all information about Namecheap including plans & pricing from their site.


godaddy price,godaddy domain,godaddy domain name,godaddy discout,godaddy free
I dont think that this site needs any description because almost every newbie knows about it.GoDaddy is the world's largest domain name registrar and Web Hosting provider,hosting more than 57 million domains worldwide and has more than 12 million customers.It has the award winning customer support team having 4000 employees which work 24/7.

3-Name: is also a good site for domain registration.Their plans and pricing are not cheapest as compared to other domain registration websites.When I made a pole for top domain name registrars they got votes from expertise rather than newbies.So I decided to mention it too in the list.They are popular but not as much as Name cheap.You can see detailed plans & pricing on their site.

4-Global Hosting Service: 

 Global Hosting Service is new but is rapidly attracting the attention of newbies and expertise especially from Pakistan and India.I am also using it.I have registered my domain from them and have not faced any problems.It is secured and has satisfied customers.It is having 24/7 support and I suggest you to buy your new domain from this site.You can get information about their plans and pricing by visiting their site.


Hover do not have the cheap registration prices, but they make up for it with abundant discount codes around the web, stellar customer support�support that when you call, a real person answers when it rings.If you're going to Hover, they have a transfer "valet" service, where they'll do all of the work for you and let you know when your problem or work is done. Their control panel and management tools are very easy to use. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How To Design Urdu Poetry In Adobe Photoshop?

A.o.A! Friends,today in this video tutorial I will teach you how you can beautifully design HD urdu poetry using Adobe Photoshop.Almost all people like poetry and we see thousands of poetry photos designed elegantly on Facebook,twitter and on other social platforms.I myself also love poetry and I design it whenever I read a quote.I decided to make this video tutorial because one of my friend messaged me and asked me to tell him how I design Urdu poetry.The process for designing Urdu poetry is very simple and it takes only 6 minutes to design one poetry photo.You dont need any professional skills to design Urdu poetry.You can also design poetry using Corel Draw,but in this tutorial I have used Photoshop to guide you.I hope that you will like this video tutorial and you will share it with your friends.Now by not wasting your time lets start the video tutorial:

Required Programs:

You need following Softwares to design urdu poetry easily:
  • Urdu Inpage (any version)
  • Adobe Photoshop (any version) 
Above given Softwares are easily available and are free of cost!

Step By Step Guide:

  • Open Inpage to Urdu poetry in it and after that click on file and choose export!
  • A new tab will open click on Browse and save file where do you wanna save in EPS format.While saving in Browse you will be given two options in ''Save as type'' You have to select the last on named ''PostScript Files''
  • Now work of Inpage is done.Open photoshop (any version)
  • Go to open and choose the file you made in Inpage and saved it.After selecting the file photoshop will show up some options.In resolution you will have to replace 60 by 300 because if you do it your poetry will be in HD!
  • Now a window will open in Photoshop showing the file.
  • Open any image in photoshop you want poetry to be designed on!
  • Now after opening you get two tabs one is of poetry and other is of image.
  • Now easily drag the post script file (poetry file) into image and poetry will be pasted on image.
  • You will see that poetry will be larger than image so select poetry from both sides and shorten it.
  • Now at left there will be styles option from which you can select color of poetry after customizing color save the image in JPEG or PNG file and your poetry in photoshop is designed beautifully!
  • Post it on social media and ROCK!
Having problems? Watch the video tutorial in Urdu/Hindi below.I have done all steps! These are some simple easy steps you can follow to design any kind of poetry Or English quotes.You can also write quotes on your pictures using these...! This process works 100% I will soon also share a tutorial to design poetry in Corel Draw too.You guys are beginners so Photoshop is good for you at this stage! 

    Designing Urdu Poetry In Adobe Photoshop Urdu Tutorial:


    Your Turn:

    I tried my best to explain you each and everything about designing poetry in Adobe Photoshop and now is your turn please share this video tutorial and comment to support us.I am eagerly waiting for your response.Take care and Allah Hafiz!

    Saturday, May 10, 2014

    Complete Dot Tk Free Domain Registration & Set-up Guide Urdu/Hindi

     A.o.A! Today I will tell you how you can register Dot Tk domain for free and how to add it as a custom domain in blogger.Dot Tk domains were introduced in 1997, they did not become popular because they were abused badly.According to wikipedia McAffe conducted a survey and came to a result that these domains were used in any kind of phishing,spamming and scamming.So these domains are free nowadays because most people do not buy them and are interested in premium domains like .com,.net etc.These domains are free for one year and after one year you will have to register them again.Do not worry because renewal is also free.Most people asked me and messaged on my website's Facebook to tell them how can they get a free domain.Mostly asked about Dot tk but unfortunately .com domains are not free.They are included in premium domains.So now I have hunted a free domain which is .tk and I will tell you how you can register this domain and then use it on blogger.I have made a video tutorial (Urdu/Hindi) + written Step by Step guide for its registration and guide how do you add it as a custom domain in blogger.I hope that you will like it.Now let's start:

    Video Tutorials For Free Dot Tk Domain In Urdu/Hindi:

    How To Register A Free Dot Tk Domain?

    Adding A Custom Dot Tk Domain In Blogger:

    Advantages Of Dot TK Domain:

    • Totally free for one year,after one year you can register it again
    • Renewal of domain is also free
    • Works perfectly on both Blogger & WordPress (Hosting)
    • Domain forwarding system
    • Use the Ambassador program
    • Update your domain
    • Access stats
    • Anonymous registration
    • Whois protection

    Disadvantages Of Dot TK Domain:

    • Registration is cancelled automatically if you do not get at least 25 visitors per month.
    • Not Seo friendly as compared to other premium domains.
    • Abused a lot in phishing,scamming etc.
    • You can not have good Google page rank as compared to other premium domains.
    • No support by Dot TK team.

    My Advise:

    I tried my best to guide you about this domain's registration and adding it as a custom domain in Blogger,and these were some advantages and some disadvantages of this domain.According to me Dot Tk domain is the best choice if you are a beginner.You should give it a try.I will give it 7 out of 10 Marks.10 by 10 marks are only for premium domains like .com .net .org etc.Please also give your opinion in comments about this domain.It will be nice to hear from you,and I request you to please share this tutorial with friends so that they can also hunt this domain.I will be eagerly waiting for your response.Take care and Allah Hafiz!  

    Thursday, May 8, 2014

    How To Format Write Protected Memory Cards And USB Drives (Urdu/Hindi)

    Format Write Protected Memory Cards And USB Drives (Urdu/Hindi)

    A.o.A! Today in this video tutorial we will learn how we can format write protected memory cards and USB flash drives.Formatting write protected data without any software is really a headache.I myself also used to face this problem and one day I got solution of it which I am gonna tell you in this video tutorial and written article.Some memory cards and USB flash drives have write protected privacy and they cannot be formatted if you dont remove password from them.Sometimes they get write protected automatically due to viruses and are very difficult to format.Whatever the reason,but you shouldn't loose hope because I have come up with a solution which works perfectly and you can again start using your favorite USB by formatting it without any problem.In case of memory cards the most annoying error is ''Memory card not formatted,Format?'' I really hate it and I am fed up of it.This is the most common error in a memory card.People try many antiviruses to remove this error and think that this is a virus.Yes it's true that it occurs due to virus and the virus only write protects your card.It does not harm your data at all.So now let's start the tutorial and let me tell you how to fix these bugs:

    How To Format Write Protected Devices?

    To format write protected devices you need to download a software called 'mUsbFixer' You can download this software for free by clicking on the download button below.The best thing of this software is that it has the ability to format all USB drives and memory cards without any risks.You dont need any registration key or need to crack this software.It's totally free! Now download it from here (Size: 1Mb Only)

                                  Download Now

    Now after downloading software follow these instructions or watch video tutorial in Urdu & Hindi below instructions:
    1. Plug in your drive and open software.
    2. Open software and select USB drive to fix.
    3. Click on ''Recover shortcut folders' to fix the drive (If the drive is not fixed format it)
    4. Now again select USB drive and click on ''Format write protected drive'
    5. Now plug out your device and plug in to see the problem is fixed.
    6. If the problem is not fixed try doing this process again 
    I used this software and I formatted my 2 flash drives and 1 memory card with help of it.I didn't find any problem.If you dont understand the step by step guide then please watch the video tutorial below:

    Video Tutorial About Formatting Write Protected Drives:

    Your Turn:

    I tried my best to explain you each and everything about this video tutorial and I hope that you would have liked it.Please share this video tutorial to support us and keep on viewing our website for more video tutorials and dont forget to subscribe to newsletter and like our FaceBook Page If you are having any problem related to anything then please feel free to ask us! We will try to solve it.Remember me in your prayers..!!

    Wednesday, May 7, 2014

    How To Write Protect USB Drives And Memory Cards With Password (Urdu/Hindi)

    A.o.A! Today in this tutorial I will tell you how you can write protect your USB Flash Drives,Hard Drives And Memory Cards using Passwords.Nowadays computer has become use of everyone.Data is the most important thing in a computer and when your USB drive or Hard drive get's into your children hand's then you may loose your important data.Data may get formatted or jumbled in folders.Many users face this problem and are tired of it.Today I will guide you how you can get rid of this headache.Write protection is the most important and only method to protect your data from getting deleted or being copied.If you use write protection method for protecting your data then anybody will not be able to harm your drive especially viruses.Viruses are harmful and you should be aware of them.Mostly viruses cannot be deleted and destroy your computer property.But if you use write protection method then you can also prevent from viruses without using any antivirus software.So let's start the discussion:

    Why You Should Write Protect USB Drives?

    • To protect your data from being deleted,moved or replaced by children etc.
    • To protect your drives with viruses.
    • To stop thieves from stealing your data.
    • To prevent from errors which appear on device start-up.

    How To Write Protect Memory Cards And Drives?

    To write protect your memory cards and flash drives you need to download a software by clicking on the download button below: (Dont worry it's only of 500Kb)

                                             Download Now

    Now after downloading write protecting software follow the instructions:
    1. Extract files (which are in software) to a hard drive or memory card which you want to be write protected.
    2. Now open file ''Urcam'' and accept the software agreements.
    3. Now click on ''Password'' button located at the left below side of software.
    4. Now enter your desired password and click on save.
    5. Now set your USB Drive to 'Read Only' from software.
    6. Now click on save button and plug out your drive and then plug in
    7. Enjoy! Your drive has been write protected successfully!
    Thinking how to remove write protection of it? It's simple just go to your memory card/USB flash drive and open the URCAM file and remove the write protection by following some simple steps.If you are facing any problem please watch the video tutorial below to get your problems solved!

      Video Tutorial Explanation (Urdu/Hindi):

      Your Turn:

      I tried my best to explain you each and everything about write protecting your important drives.I hope that you would have liked the video tutorial.Please share this tutorial to support us and comment if you are having any problem related to anything.We will try or best to help you.Remember us in your prayers!

      How To Deal With Online Website Content Copiers (Copy-Cats)

      file dmca case,dmca protection,website protection,dmca widget,copyright content,copying thieves,content theft,content stealing,cyber case,seo copyright,logo dmca
      Hey! Folks,today I will tell you how you can deal with content thieves to stop them and remove your copied content from their website.There are many copy-cats on the internet and they are always looking for content to hunt.As you know content is the most dynamic part of a blog.It's only the important thing which makes it grow and become famous.Protecting your content from online content copiers is the most important step is Seo.What if you keep on spending your valuable time on writing articles and someone copies your content and gets a good rank in Seo.In this situation you will get very disappointed and it will really hurt you.Most bloggers are worried for this critical situation.The article which took 2 hours to be written get's copied in just 2 minutes.But you dont need to worry because today I will tell you how you can take actions regarding copy-cats.Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) helps bloggers to protect their content from online content copiers.But if you are using WordPress,Joomla or other platform which is not owned by Google you will have to pay for each take down request.On the other hand if you are using Blogger as your blogging platform then you dont need to panic because removing content from websites being hosted by blogger is totally free and you dont need to spend a single penny.It works with perfection.Let's start the discussion.

      Why You Need To Protect Your Content?

      • To Prevent From Getting Deranked: Search engines love unique and rich content to be ranked #1 on results.If some people are copying your content search engines may be fooled and will consider your content as copyright and will give a good rank to copy-cat.This can also lead to site penalization by Google.
      • To Prevent Adsense From Getting Disabled: If you are using Google Adsense account on your website/blog and some content thieves are around you your Adsense account may get disabled due to duplicate content.
      • Emotional Aspect: Your content is your property and no one has the right to cheat it.If content theft keeps on going you may loose interest in blogging and will become annoyed.
      • Loosing Visitors: If your content is being copied regularly you may loose ranking in search results and your site may get down ranked.

      How To Deal With Content Thieves?:

      1. Warning Thieve To Delete Your Copied Stuff: You can write an email to copy-cat to warn him/her to remove your copied content and say him/her that you will file a DMCA case against him/her.You should also tell them disadvantages of copying your stuff.If they remove your content then it's good but if they misbehave with you then dont feel angry because you have the right to take legal action regarding them.
      2. File A DMCA Case Regarding Copy-Cat: You can remove your copied content by filing a DMCA case.(To File A Dmca Case Click Here Or Here) If you want to file A DMCA case regarding an infringing website copying your blog posts which is being owned by copy-cat then select 'Blogger' and proceed.Now fill the required details and give solid reasons in answers and proofs which tell that your content is being copied.If he again publishes the article which you complained earlier his blog will be completely removed.If copycat is not using blogger and is using other platform like WordPress Or Joomla etc his indexed blog posts on Google will be removed (Posts will only be removed from search engines not from website because WordPress is hosted by you.Only Blogger is being hosted by Google)
      3. What If You Are Facing Financial Problems While If Thief Is WordPress User? If you are facing some financial problems then you can also take actions by filing a complaint in cyber cell.They will take action and the copy-cat might be arrested and can also be fined.(For Doing It Click Here: File DMCA Complaints For WordPress Blogs)

      Video Tutorial Explanation (Urdu/Hindi)

        Your Turn:

        Are you having any problem regarding filing a Dmca case? Dont take tension.! Just comment your problems and we will try our best to solve them.Please also share this post on social media to support us! We are eagerly waiting for your experience regarding copy-cats.We will like to hear your stories.Remember me in your prayers!

          Tuesday, May 6, 2014

          How To Increase Your Internet Download Manager Speed?

          A.o.A! today I will tell you how you can boost your internet download manager download speed.Previously,I told you how you can register your internet download manager without serial key and get rid of idm fake serial key problem.I decided to make this video tutorial because many people messaged us on our Facebook page and commented on our posts asking about how they can boost their idm download speed.I tried my best to explain them how they can boost their idm speed but they did not get my point so I decided to make this video tutorial so that all people can get benefit from it.After applying these tricks which I am gonna tell you in the video tutorial I am DAMN! sure that you will observe the increased speed of your internet download manager.In this video tutorial I will tell you the tricks which only few people know.Now by not wasting your time let's start the tutorial and I hope that you will like it.

          • First of all open your IDM.
          • Go to Downloads TAB.
          • Scroll down to Speed limiter and Turn it ON!
          • Again go to Downloads TAB.
          • Scroll Down to Speed Limiter and Click on ''Settings''
          • A new window will open showing some of settings for ''Speed Limiter''
          • At top there will be an option: ''Maximum Download Speed For One File''
          • Default will be 20 KB but you have to change it by your internet connection MB'S.For example I am using a PTCL connection of 4/MB so I will type 4000 there.If you are using 1MB connection then type 1000 there.
          • Now tick the option : ''Always turn on speed limiter on Start Up'' and click on Ok.Now half of our work is done.
          • Again go to downloads and scroll down to options and open options.
          • A new window will open showing Options.
          • Select ''Connections'' tab at above right corner.
          • It will show up some options first one would be ''Connection Type / Speed''
          • Select your internet connection type.I am using Wi-Fi right now so I am gonna select High Speed connection!
          • Now HIT Ok and you are done!
          By following the above given steps you can increase your IDM speed and I am sure that you will feel the difference between Old download speed and new speed.Dont expect that these tips will give you 4MB speed out of a 2MB connection.This is not possible at all.It will only make IDM give you maximum bandwith as it can.If you are having any confusing following the up given steps then I recommend you to watch the below video tutorial!

            Video Tutorial For Boosting Up IDM Speed:

            Final Words

            Thanks,for watching the video tutorial.We hope that you would have liked it.Please keep on viewing our website for more video tutorials and please comment to appreciate us.If you are having any problem related to anything then please feel free to ask.We will try our best to help you.Please share this video tutorial.Social media share buttons are given below each post.Allah Hafiz! Remember me in your prayers!

            How To Get Free Likes On Facebook Photos & Status? Urdu/Hindi

            A.o.A! Today in this video tutorial I will teach you how you can get thousands of Facebook likes on your Facebook status and photos totally free within a few seconds.As you know Facebook is one of the top social media website in the world and many people use it.Some crazy people want thousands of likes on their photos and they beg Facebook users to like their photos and status.I laugh on them and some people use social media exchanging websites like AddMeFast.They spend their most of the time on liking others Facebook pages to get points and then use them on their Facebook photos.I also followed this method earlier but now I dont follow it because I have now got a trick which I am gonna share with you.If you use this trick you can get many likes without liking others photos and videos in seconds.In this video tutorial I have explained each and everything about the trick and I hope that you wont have any confusion about it.So by not wasting your time let me start the video tutorial which is in Urdu & Hindi language.I hope that you will like it!

            Step By Step Guide:

            • Open this website in your browser:
            • After the website is opened completely scroll down
            • There will be a Heading: ''Method To Login To Hublaa''
            • Click on ''Generate Token''
            • A new URL will open after it is completely loaded click on ''Skip Ad''
            • Then you will be asked for permission of App named ''Spotify'' on Facebook.Click on ''Ok Listen To Music!''
            • After that you will get an error that page was not found.
            • On the error page copy the above link from URL box and paste it in Hublaa and submit
            • A pop up will appear showing ''Logged in successfully''
            • After that scroll down and click on Auto-Like 
            • Skip the ad two times and on the third time you will be shown your statuses on facebook with submit button
            • Click on submit button of status you want to submit.If photo click on photos and select a photo using navigation
            • Congratulations! You are done! Check your facebook timeline you have tons of likes!

            How To Get Free Facebook Likes In Seconds? (Urdu/Hindi) 

            So this was our video tutorial.I hope that you would have enjoyed it.Please keep on viewing our website for more video tutorials related to blogging,seo,social media tips & tricks and much more.If you are having any problem related to anything then please feel free to ask us.We will try our best to help you.Please share this video tutorial to support us.We will be eagerly waiting for your comments.Enjoy Facebookians!