Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How To Make Money With Hostgator Affiliates Program

Make Money With Hostgator Affiliates Program In Urdu And Hindi logo
A.o.A! Today in this video tutorial I will tell you how you can make money with Hostgator affiliate program.Basically Hostgator is a very popular web hosting company which is growing rapidly and many websites are being hosted by it.This company is trying its best to make themselves more popular on the web and for introducing themselves they have started an affiliate program which is for everyone.It does not matter if you are customer of Hostgator hosting or not you can earn money with its affiliate program without any restrictions.They pay very high and I am also a part of their affiliate program and I am very happy because I have earned much with Hostgator affiliate program with less time.I was shocked when I saw that some people signed up for Hostgator and I have earned 150$ in just two weeks.I am very happy and also want you guys to be a part of it so that you can earn money. Hostgator does not see you blog / website at all and It is not having any policies (For example: Your website should be related to web development if you want to be a part of it blaaa blaaa) You can even apply for their affiliate program if you dont have a blog / website.You just need to spread your referrer links on social media sites ( does not matter where else you spread them whether they are social media sites or some other websites ) It's earning from affiliates is as follows:
Earnings With Hostgator Affiliates Program Privacy Terms And Conditions
  • 1-5 Per moth--------$50 /Sign Up (Means that if 1-5 people buy hosting with Hostgator you will earn  $50 per sign up so your earning if 5 people buy hosting will be 50x5=250$)
  • 6-10 Per month--------$75/Sign Up (Means that if 6-10 people buy their hosting you will be given $75 per sign up so your earning will be 10x50=500$)

  • 11-20 Per month--------$100/Sign Up (Means that if 11-20 people buy their hosting you will be given $75 per sign up so your earning will be 100x20=2000$)

  • 21+ Per month--------$125/Sign Up (Means that if more than 20 people buy their hosting you will be given $75 per sign up so your earning will be 125x21=2625$)

Payment System

You can receive your payment with Hostgator affiliates program with following options:

  • Cheque (Will be sent to your home address within 30 Days)
  • Paypal ( I recommend you to choose this option.It's very fast ) 

Explanation Of Hostgator Affiliate Program In Video ( Urdu & Hindi )

Final Words:

I tried my best to explain you each and everything about Hostgator affiliates program and now is your turn.Please share this article to support us.If you are having any problem or you are confused with their Affiliate Program then please feel free to comment.We are eagerly waiting for your replies. Remember me in your prayers!

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